November 30, 2023 | LifeIsTheGame, LVLUP Education, MadeInUSANews, Project LVLUP, Purpose.Systems, True Grit, True Nerve, True Nerve Podcast, Unveiling Truth’s, USAFirst2024

In the complex world of international trade agreements, two acronyms, USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) and CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement), have been making waves. Allowing companies to legally & blatantly lie right to your face.

Join us as we explore how these agreements may be influencing the U.S. economy, in the realm of U.S.A. job outsourcing.

Understanding USMCA and CAFTA :

USMCA and CAFTA are like sets of rules that dictate how the U.S. trades with certain countries. The aim is to make trade fairer and more beneficial for everyone involved.

The Outsourcing Dilemma: USMCA and CAFTA Under Scrutiny :

Critics argue that these agreements could be contributing to the outsourcing of jobs. Outsourcing means that some companies move their operations to other countries, which can mean fewer job opportunities for Americans.

USMCA: The North American Angle :

USMCA involves the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. While it aims to encourage fair competition, there are concerns about whether it inadvertently leads to companies sending jobs outside the U.S. This raises questions about how it impacts American workers and the job market.

CAFTA: The Central American Connection :

CAFTA expands the trade territory to include countries in Central America. As it facilitates trade, critics worry that it might encourage businesses to seek lower-cost labor in these countries, potentially at the expense of U.S. jobs.

Job Security and Wage Concerns :

The heart of the issue lies in how these agreements might affect everyday U.S Americans. Will they have job security, and will their wages be fair? These are crucial questions that need answers.

Companies Lying About ‘Made In America’ :

It’s important to note that some companies may claim their products are ‘Made In America’ under the guidelines of the FTC, but the reality might be different. As consumers, it’s crucial to be aware that these claims may not always reflect the entire manufacturing process, and the TRUTH may just be in those extra details.

Understanding FTC Guidelines : ‘Made in America’ vs ‘Made in USA’ :

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) makes a distinction between “Made in America” and “Made in USA.” While both labels imply that the product is of U.S. origin, “Made in America” can mean that a part of the product is made here in the U.S., whereas “Made in USA” indicates that the product’s “all or virtually all” parts are of U.S.A origin.

Have you bought into that saying yet? “USA Strong”

The FTC allows for these loopholes. It allows companies to Legally & Blatantly Lie Right To U.S.

Here is the relief…. Your favorite brands aren’t lying to you…. 

They are just deceiving you. All you have to do is look!

Let’s Look At Bella-Canvas For Reference, Most Gym Wear Brands Utilize This Company. 

“We” at Project LVLUP will not utilize this company for one reason, and one reason only. They are not truly Made In USA. 

We do not believe in bashing, but instead just providing general informative content to the public. We believe Bella-Canvas provides nice products.

But to provide a true example, you have to look beyond the norm. 

Bella Canvas is USA Strong, Creating “Thousands of American Jobs”

This is great! We love this! 

If you only watched this video you would say wow, we are supporting USA Jobs! But if you just kept scrolling…..

What you will find is they are actually being honest. 

‘But you will never see the claim Made in USA. Instead the true details are in the fine print. “We have been manufacturing in the U.S. and internationally

So What is USA Strong Production?

We will let the founders of Bella+Canvas speak more on the subject. 

“Here at BELLA+CANVAS, we have a USA-strong approach to production. What this means is that almost the entire manufacturing process takes place right here in America. We’re designing it here, dyeing it here and cutting it here. Then we either send those cut pieces to Central America to be assembled or across the street to be sewn on our Los Angeles cutting floor. That’s why our neck labels might say “Assembled in Guatemala, of U.S. Components” for example!”

The Importance of Saying ‘Made In USA’ Over ‘Made In America’ :

It’s crucial to specify “Made In USA” rather than just “Made In America” because America is a continent, encompassing North, Central, and South America. By saying ‘Made In USA,’ we explicitly refer to products originating in the United States of America. This distinction is important to recognize the diverse countries within the continent and to focus on products manufactured solely in the U.S.A.

The Balancing Act, Navigating Fair Trade and Job Security :

Finding the right balance between fair trade and job security is a challenge. Policymakers need to consider how these agreements impact the livelihoods of ordinary U.S. Americans.

Making Informed Choices :

As consumers and citizens, it’s essential for us to become AWARE & AWAKE of the impact of these trade agreements. Saying NO to ‘Made In America’ but YES to ‘Made In USA’ is not just about the label; it’s about understanding how our choices can shape the economic landscape for ourselves and future generations.


We are committed to making this statement a reality. 

You can support our mission by wearing our limited edition LVLUP USA First 2024 shirt which supports our call to action in supporting our small businesses of this great county, The United States Of America.

– Addison Reiser & Aaron Reiser ( Brothers – Co-Founders )

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