
FDA, Investigation of (Elevated LEAD Levels) Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches (November 2023)

Do not eat, sell, or serve multiple brands of recalled apple cinnamon fruit pouches. The FDA’s investigation is ongoing. - FDA ( Brands Affected: Recalled cinnamon apple puree and applesauce…

Verity One Ltd. Rebrands as TRUTH MATTERS™ and STOP LYING™: A Bold Step in Certification Integrity. Verity One Ltd. evolves into TRUTH MATTERS™ and STOP LYING™, championing integrity, transparency, and a resolute stance against falsehoods in certifications. "TRUTH MATTERS™ and STOP LYING™: A resolute stand…

Breaking News! Made in USA Brand, LLC Agrees to Drop Deceptive Certification Claims!

A Company That Claimed to Evaluate Made in USA Claims, but Instead Relied on Companies to Self Certify that their Products Met Standards! - Which leaves the true players…