Hey Bitvision readers! Today, we’re diving deep into a revolution in America’s heart. No, it’s not the kind with muskets and tea parties. This revolution could reshape the very fabric of our society—and it’s all about manufacturing.

Picture this: nondescript buildings buzzing with high-tech machinery and passionate engineers. The hum of production lines promises a revitalized manufacturing sector. Welcome to Reindustrialize, right here in Detroit.

The speaker was Miles Arnone, CEO of Re: Build Manufacturing, a company founded in 2021 by former Amazon executive Jeff Wilke.

Arnone has a bold mission: revitalizing American manufacturing. Their strategy? Creating a dynamic network of American manufacturing companies offering end-to-end solutions, from engineering to production.

Now, let’s dive into the juicy details. Re: Build Manufacturing

isn’t just playing the acquisition game like typical private equity firms. Nope, they’re in it for the long haul, aiming to create a sustainable ecosystem of domestic manufacturing capabilities. Think of it as a manufacturing renaissance with more lasers and less Renaissance Faire.

“Everyone here,” Miles begins, “Take a look at your pants, bag, shoes, nail clippers if you have them. Where are they from?”

I’ll admit, I did the check. My shirt? Mauritius. Pants? Vietnam. Shoes? Mexico. Bag? Liberia. Nail clippers? China. Yep, I was sinking into my chair, along with 90% of the room.

With a wry smile, Miles challenges, “If you have three of those items made in America, raise your hand.” Only one guy in the room managed to raise his hand. Ouch.

Despite this reality check, the room is full of venture capitalists eager to enter the American-made “hard tech” space. But not everyone’s buying the hype. There are big challenges, some of which might not be solved this decade or next.

Like China, But Without the IP Theft

“Our dependence on offshore sources for critical and non-critical items has left a gaping hole in our economy,” Miles says, eyes gleaming with fervor. “It’s also created a situation where many people have lost their path to the middle class.”

Let’s break it down with a bit of imagination. Think of manufacturing as a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece represents a different capability—engineering, production, or automation. These pieces have been scattered across the globe for decades, with many of the most crucial ones landing in places like China and Southeast Asia. Re’s goal? Bring those pieces back to American soil and fit them together in new ways.

“We need to develop a model of industrialization in this country that works for the unique characteristics of the US,” Miles explains. Easier said than done, right? But that’s an advantage: the challenging bits make replicating it much harder.

This new model isn’t just about factories and machines. It’s about culture, collaboration, and fundamentally rethinking manufacturing. Miles calls it “China Incorporated, but without stealing your IP.”

At the heart of this approach is a set of principles called “The Rebuild Way.” This philosophy comprises 16 principles emphasizing transparency, long-term thinking, and continuous improvement. It’s the antidote to the short-term, profit-driven mentality that’s dominated American business for decades.

But here’s the twist: Redesigning

is more than just applying these principles to their operations. They’re creating a network of companies that can work together in previously unimaginable ways.

Take, for instance, the eVTOL aircraft company. It started with Redesigning propeller blades, moved to prototype production, and now includes full-scale manufacturing of complete rotor systems. This journey spanned multiple companies within the Re

network, each bringing its unique expertise to the table.

The result? A manufacturing ecosystem greater than the sum of its parts allows small and medium-sized companies to compete globally like never before.

A New Approach to “Made in America”

The future of American manufacturing isn’t just about bringing back old jobs or replicating past successes. It’s about reimagining what manufacturing can be in the 21st century. It’s about creating a new industrial tradition combining American ingenuity with lessons learned worldwide.

Miles offers a glimpse into a possible future—where the factory floor is a pathway to the middle class, “Made in America” is a badge of innovation rather than nostalgia, and the hum of machinery is the soundtrack to a revitalized economy.

But hey, like I said, only some people are convinced, including one of the most provocative founders of the 21st century. We sat down for lunch, and he gave me his day one takeaway.

More on that tomorrow. Stay tuned, Bitvision readers!

Source: “The American Manufacturing Renaissance: A Revolution In The Making” – BitVision.ai

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